Annual Anti-Money Laundering #1
This course is intended to meet the ANNUAL company Course Requirement for Anti-Money Laundering Education.
NO NMLS CREDIT will be earned or given under any circumstance. THIS IS NOT A NMLS approved course for CE or prelicenseing.
All companies must still provide education on company specific AMLA policy. Such as company RED FLAGS, Compliannce officer information, and step for reporting Red Flags to company representative.
ALL NEW employees must take education within 30 days of hire. Current employees must take CE annually (for those that take ANNUAL CE all of Jim Montrym's Courses INCLUDE AMLA Course - company must still provide education on company specific policies).
This course is intended to meet the ANNUAL company Course Requirement for Anti-Money Laundering Education.
NO NMLS CREDIT will be earned or given under any circumstance. THIS IS NOT A NMLS approved course for CE or prelicenseing.
All companies must still provide education on company specific AMLA policy. Such as company RED FLAGS, Compliannce officer information, and step for reporting Red Flags to company representative.
ALL NEW employees must take education within 30 days of hire. Current employees must take CE annually (for those that take ANNUAL CE all of Jim Montrym's Courses INCLUDE AMLA Course - company must still provide education on company specific policies).
Course content
Lesson AMLA #1 Introduction Disabled
AMLA: LMS Instructions Disabled
AMLA Intro Disabled
AMLA: Course Instructions Disabled
AMLA Course Acknowledgemnts Disabled
Lesson CE22 Ethics: Module 1 AMLA
Anti-Money Laundering Act HISTORY
U5 Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA) History Disabled
1 Definitions Disabled
1 Definitions Continued Disabled
2 What is Money Laundering Disabled
14 Identification Requirements Disabled
3 Exclusions & Exemptions Disabled
4 Who IS required to Comply Disabled
5 Final Rule Intentions Disabled
6 Anti-money Laundering Program Disabled
7 Minimum AML Requirements Disabled
CE22 AMLA Quiz 1 Disabled
8 SAR Filing Requirements Disabled
9 Potential Red Flags Disabled
10 A-E-I-O-U and sometimes Y Disabled
11 SAR Confidentiality & Retention Disabled
12 Record Production Requirements Disabled
13 The Reporting Forms Disabled
The Reporting Forms Continued Disabled
CE22 AMLA Quiz 2 Disabled
AMLA Case Study Disabled
CE22 Ethics Lending MOD 1: Case Study QUIZ 1 Disabled
15 For Further Information Disabled
CE22 Ethics MOD 2: End of Module 1 Quiz Disabled